Addo Hotels & Lodges
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I. Hotels - Lodges - Guest House in the town of Addo in South Africa :
Addo Elephant National Park is the third largest national park in South Africa, Addo Elephant Park to maintain a high biodiversity of its landscape and its flora and fauna.
Extending the area of semi-arid Karoo in the north around Darlington Dam, the Zuurberg mountains, across the Sundays River Valley and south of the coast between the mouth of the Sundays River and Bushman, Addo covers about 180,000 hectares.
The park receives about 120,000 visitors a year.
Hotels and Lodges 19 from € 30 to over € 365
Detailed price list and clicking on the link to the hotel.
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Bon voyage to all!
Addo Dung Beetle Guest Farm:
Price: € 30
Situated in the Addo Elephant National Park 27.7 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Addo Dung Beetle Guest Farm
Addo Elephant Country Estate Accommodation:
Addo Africanos Inn:
Price: € 41
Located on Corner Main & Zuurberg Road 3.8 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Africanos Inn Addo
Addo Cosmos Cuisine Guesthouse:
De Old Drift Addo Bed and Breakfast:
Price: € 54
On the R335 in the city center.
Information and reservations: In Old Drift B & B
Addo Elephant House:
Rate reservation
On the R335 at 1.1 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Elephant House
Hitgeheim Country Lodge & Eco Reserve Addo:
Price: € 169
Filmed on the R336 to outside the park at 6.6 km from the city center.
Information and reservations: Hitgeheim Country Lodge
Hopefield Country House Addo:
Price: € 85
Hopefield Farm, turned on the R336 7 Km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Hopefield Country House
Kronenhoff Guesthouse Addo:
Price: € 67
Located 1 Sonop Street, Kirkwood at 26.1 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Kronenhoff Guesthouse
Kuzuko Lodge Addo:
Price: € 282
Situated in the Addo Elephant National Park, 70 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Kuzuko Lodge
Lemon3Lodge Addo:
Price: € 57
Situated on the R336 Main Street 28.3 kilometers from downtown.
Information and reservations: Lemon3Lodge
Nguni River Lodge Addo :
Price: € 483
Situated in the Addo Elephant National Park, 20 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Nguni River Lodge
The Green Tree Guest Cottages Addo
Price: 600 Rands is approx € 60
Wycombevale Farm, Nanaga, 6185 Buyskloof.
The cottages are located near the Sunshine Coast and the Eastern Cape game reserves such as Schotia Safari Reserve and Reserve Amakhala Game Reserve
Information and reservations: The Green Tree Guest Cottages
Woodall Country House & Spa Addo:
Price: € 190
Situated on Jan Smuts Avenue PO Box 32 3 km from the city center.
Information and reservations: Woodall Country House & Spa
Addo Zuurberg Mountain Inn:
Price: € 110
On the R335 at Zuurberg Mountain Pass at 1.2 km from downtown.
Information and reservations: Zuurberg Mountain Inn
II. Hotels - Lodges - Guest House in other cities in South Africa :
Source : 2011